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The Current nOrMaL

Cover Your Smile

Face covering, please.

Waxing, we keep them on

During facials I'll let ya know when to remove them. 

Please Help Yourself

Hand sanitizer is available

in all rooms

Good Ole' Soap &Water is located at the back sink.

Just You and Me

No children, friends or family can accompany you - no matter the length of appointment.

Hit me up

 Text me at 858.337.3257  that you have parked and I will text a when the room is sanitized and ready for you. 

Well Being Check-In
Have you traveled outside of the US within the last 14 days?
Have you had contact with anyone with confirmed COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Have you had any of these symptoms in the last 14 days? Fever greater than 100, Difficulty Breathing, or Cough?
Have you experienced recent loss of taste or smell?

All done, thank you!

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